Little Bundle of Sunshine

"This way Your Holiness," said a court lady as she escorted the Pharaoh to his seat on the high table where the guests are going to sit next to the king…And there she was his beautiful daughter holding his hands. Wearing a light purple silk dress with golden sandals complementing the golden jewelry that she is wearing.

As they sat down side by side in one of the huge golden chairs that were aligned behind a long table extending to both ends of the hall, with a feast consisting of food from across the globe.

Just two seats away from her were the princes waving at her with a smile over their small faces.

Not long after that everything was in place with guests talking and chatting about this and that.

Tari was starting to get bored; she never liked these kinds of parties. Yet, she was always at them whenever her father got invited to one. For some reason he never allowed her to be alone with just the maids and butlers in the palace, no one can be trusted he always says. She never knew what he meant by those words, like what could happen when to her when she is at her home between her people, but she never bugged him about it, he has enough on his shoulders to take care of she always tried to convince herself.

Whenever she goes over to his chambers on the nights that she couldn't sleep from nightmares or thunder she would find that he is still awake despite how late it is. Oh, my little bundle of sunshine, you can't sleep again? He would always say and carry her to his bed, kiss her on the forehead and promise that he would come to sleep too right after he is done.

She smiled in reality at the memory of how she woke up once to see him sound asleep with his arms around her since he always gets up before her.

"Looks like you are enjoying your time?" said one of the guests looking at them both. Odd, she didn't know him, if he knew her father personally to talk to him casually like that then she would've recognized him.

"Looks like one of the guests weren't listed in the list that was given to me," the pharaoh said with a smile…though his eyes showed the complete opposite.

"Oh, looks like you both already know each other?" King Tae Min said. Tari was still trying to figure out who this person is.

"Of course," the unknown man said, "we have been friends since our childhood. Right Aton?" he said with a smile…wait! what? Aton!!! Tari screamed inside her head with her jaw-dropping in real life.

Aton was her father's nickname, from what she heard only her mother called him that, no one even knows this name. Just who is this guy!

As the unknown man seems to notice Tari's gaze, he bent down to reach her eye level.

"Oh, you must be Nefertari! You look so much like your mother when she was your age" he said patting her fluffy curls that were flying freely around her head, "that's rude of me not to introduce myself, my bad" he said standing up straight, he could feel the killer gaze that was about to split him in half coming from the seat beside hers…who else other Akhenaton!?

"I'm Javid (I didn't miss spell it, it's a Persian name similar to David), firstborn prince of Persia," he said placing a hand over his chest with a bow.

Even Tari starting to feel her father's gaze, it was like his special power, his expression never changes yet you can feel the killer gaze coming from his sweet yet dangerous honey-colored eyes…bloody hell, this man is bad for the heart.

"Not that she will have a reason to remember I believe." the pharaoh said with a smile.

King Tae Min sensing the flaming tension coughed and said "S-shall we start the feast now? This way your highness." He said gesturing to the prince to follow the court lady to show him his seat.

"After all this time," the Pharaoh said making Javid halt, "you are still in the same place Your Highness" he chuckled with no humor behind it making sure to make the title stand out making sure that he remembers his place.

Flames of fury were starting to spark inside him, but as he took a look around, he found that he got himself attention that he didn't want, almost all of the guests were now staring at them making it hard for him to talk back "I-I apologize Pharaoh if I disrespected you. I was moved by our memories together as kids that I forgot my place" he said bowing down in respect.

He hated it, he hated bowing down to him like this in front of all these people but he had no choice if he disrespected him in any way and his lord father hears about it…it will ruin his relationship with his father more than it already is, he couldn't risk it.

He couldn't risk everything he has worked for.

Yes, he was the first-born son of King Farzad (Persian Name) among 13 sons, but that didn't mean that his lord father valued him as his firstborn and crown prince, it was more like his father valued all of them except him…

For a reason that he held no responsibility for what so ever.

Other than that, nothing happened for the rest of the feast. Guests coming and going greeting the Pharaoh staying for a couple of minutes discussing things using words Tari doesn't even know how to pronounce let alone understand, so when her head hurt from trying to keep up with their conversations she just stopped listening and tried to keep herself busy with anything, but…there was nothing that can keep her busy and entertained.

Looking around she found that the princes are no longer in their seats. "Where did they go" she didn't realize that she said that out loud until a reply was returned to her. "What was that Tari?" her father asked after he shook hands with another guest before turning to look at her.

"O-oh, it's nothing Papa," she said playing around with the dessert in her plate until something moved in the corner of her eyes, turning to look at it she found Min Jun waving his hand gesturing for her to come over.

For a moment her heart skipped a beat from happiness making her grin which slowly disappeared when she turned to look at her father who was once again talking to someone making her remember what happened the other day when she disappeared on him.

Feeling the guilt of making her father worry about her again she shook her head at Min Jun who started pouting and stomping his feet's, she kept gesturing for him that she can't come over till her weird movements made her father turn to look at her, following her gaze he found the little prince his expression softened as he understood what was happening.

"Why don't you go over Tari?" he said flashing her a smile, "I think he won't stop until you do."

"I-I can!" she said in excitement, her silver orbs going all sparkly.

How can I say no when you look at me the exact way your mother used to? he thought.

"Of course," he said caressing her hair.

"Thank you, Papa!" she said hugging him as tightly as her weak arms can allow her, which he happily accepted by hugging her back.

And then she ran over to her friend with all her might. Looking at her like that he couldn't help but see his wife Cleopatra. Reminding of the days were used to chase after each other like that when they were their age, without one care in the world.

When all they ever cared for was their happiness. Back when they were inseparable. Even after that happened the remainder of the sensation that he felt then is still able to draw a grin on his face, but right after that grin came agonizing pain, the pain that came creeping up his spine to spread all over his body as he sees his beloved's blood tainting his white silk, leaving its scent on his hands even after all this time has passed.

Till now whenever he looks at his hands, he can swear that he can still see traces of the blood staining his honey tanned hands. His chest starts to tighten and ache at that feeling, even feels the tears starting to gather inside his honey orbs.

He keeps reminding himself that he is the Pharaoh of Egypt, he is a leader he can't appear anything less than perfect to everyone, or else, they would destroy everything that he and his ancestors worked for so hard to achieve.

"By the saints, even after all this time you can still agonize my after your loss" he whispered to himself in almost a cry, wondering when he will be released from her grip, but knowing deep down that this will never happen.

She was his one and only.