Unforgettable Night

"What took you so long?" Min Jun asked flashing that pout that always made the adults melt.

"S-sorry, I had to ask my father first," she said patting his head, he was a few inches shorter than her with chocolate-colored hair and eyes, small nose and pink lips…he was a cute kid.

Walking and talking about anything and everything that Tari forgot to ask where they were going and just when she was about to ask, the answer came to her.

She was looking at the same tree they were playing at the other time, and just like that time all of them were there playing and running around like the kids they are, like there is nothing bad in this world, like there is no tomorrow they play and laugh.

Despite all the schemes and plots that are being planned in this very palace by its own people, they still laugh and play…of course, they should play and laugh, they are kids and kids shouldn't get to know how ugly reality is so early in their life span. They should enjoy…while they still can.

"Oh! Tari!" said Jin Wo as he ran towards her begging her to play again with them which he accepted with a grin.

There they go again, having the time of their life with the little things they can do under the fully bloomed cherry blossom, its petals blew by the sweet late evening breeze making it float around them and they just blended in with it making the painting complete.

Just how cute kids are? And just how scary some of them change completely when they grow up? Just how will these cute bundles of sunshine turn out to be when they are full-fledge adults?

"1, 2, 3…here I come!" Min Jun said and then rushed to search for his little targets. Tari was bad at this, even before finding a place to hide they would find her, and she would lose…again.

"Where can I hide? This is unfair, I don't know the palace, as well as they do" she mumbled to herself scanning the interior of the hallways and courtyard for any spots that are small enough for her to hide.

"This is like a none ending maze" she mumbled again.

Giving up and just accepting her faith that she would lose again. Just then a hand was placed over her mouth pulling her inside a room that she didn't even realize was there.

For a split second, she thought of the way her father acted the other time which she thought was an overreaction. Was this what he was worried would happen she screamed inside.

It was too dark inside for her to see. "Shh, don't worry it's me," said a familiar voice, after her eyes got adjusted to the dark, she realized who it was.

"Joon Wo! You scared me!" she said in a whisper, yet it was almost like a yell. Looking up to see the boy who was the same age as her yet he was already taller than her.

At that moment the clouds that were blocking the light of the full moon passed allowing its crystal rays to fall on the quiet palace making it one of the most beautiful nights witnessed by the palace, with one of the rays falling through the small gap in the door illuminating their cute features as they saw Min Jun running past them.

"I could swear I heard her come this way!" Min Jun complained continuing his little journey of seeking little princes…and a princess.

"Wah, I didn't even know that there is a room here," she said looking around barely making out anything in the room. When Joon Wo grabbed her hand.

"Follow me, there is something you have to see," he said before rushing out of the room and into the hallway.

"Where are we going?" she said between her heavy pants.

"To see a sea of stars!" he said turning to look back at her, for a moment she saw the sea of stars in his eyes as they sparkled brightly, not sure if this was how his eyes normally look or were it because of the strong moonlight at that time.

Leading her to the edge of the palace where the palace walls stood at least 8 feet high.

"How are we going to pass it?"

"Just follow my steps," he said before he started to climb up with the help of the cracks on the wall, following his movements she was soon able to see the hand and footholds in the wall.

Copying his movements, she found herself on the palace roof to find him standing while gazing at the sky. Following his gaze, she saw what he meant by the sea of stars. He was right, it is a sea made of stars with the moon brightest among them.

"W-WAH! You are right!" she said covering her face in excitement.

"C-careful, it's still dangers up here," he said gesturing for her to sit down beside him which she obeyed subconsciously, still looking up at the night sky.

They lost track of time as they kept staring up at the night sky, forgetting the others and that they are supposed to go back. They kept staring up.

"You have a good relationship with your lord father," he said trying not to look her in the eyes fearing that he might forget what he was going to say and stutter like an idiot.

"Oh, you think so? I always thought that's how all fathers are with their children" she said tilting her head trying to run the words again in her head but couldn't find a reason for his question, wasn't his father like this with him too? She wondered.

He sighed looking up at the stars, "he cares and takes care of you, spends time with you. I barely even see my father." He gave a weak smile, "The day that you arrived was the first time I saw my lord father in 3 weeks. I only meet him if we accidentally pass by each other or when there is something official"

"3-3 weeks!" she said turning to look at him with wide eyes, shimmering from the moonlight that was casting its light all over the quiet palace, "I'm sure it's because he is busy, he has to take care of all those people after all. Sometimes I think that I burden my father by always staying next to him." She said trying to pull him out from his deep thoughts which she was almost sure were about his father.

It was true though she always thought that she is a burden to her father that he has to take care of her, even though she has more than a dozen maid to help her he always tried to be the only one that helps her and she doesn't know why, so over the time she as well started to be dependent on him, and she always felt guilty whenever she saw him staying up all night and continues working when the sun rises.

All this luxury that she has is because of him, and she promised herself over a million times that when she is old enough, she will help him out with his work and try to take some of the responsibilities that he carries on his shoulders all alone.

"You are right. I guess it's just my greed." He said sighing releasing all of the negative thoughts that were in his head "my brothers are also like me, even my brother Yu Jun, when he is the 1st prince"

"NO!" she yelled at him.

"W-what? You scared me" he said flinching at the sudden rise in her voice.

"It's not greed! Everyone wants to be loved and spoiled by their parents" she said looking all serious.

He laughed at her expression, even though she was yelling and looking all serious she still couldn't beat the fact that she is cute, even when she is yelling.

The fact that she was here listening to his stupid worries and thoughts, and yet she never looked bored or annoyed but comforted him…which was the first time anyone did that to him.

"I never got to ask you if Yu Jun is the oldest then what about you? I thought that you were the oldest" she said folding her fingers counting all of them and just didn't know where to put him in the equation.

"We are the same age. He is a couple of months older than me." He said, "he is the son of the second queen and I'm the son of the first queen." Barely her son he said that to himself, remembering memories and flashbacks he would rather forget forever.

Even though he is still young, he has seen many things that he shouldn't have witnessed at such a young age.

She didn't want to pry on his life any longer so she just replied with a nod. She could see the sadness in his glittering eyes, it wasn't agony that she saw, but it was pain that time has numbed. But just the reminder of what you've been through makes you sad.

"It's getting late we should go back," he said

Climbing down again with smiles on their faces, knowing that this night will be forever carved in their memories.

"I really…" she couldn't complete what she was going to say when she bumped into someone.

"Watch where you are going little princess." The man said with a wide grin across his face.