Days Gone By


"Y-you were saying?" Nefertari said after her handmaid Canaria brought her back from her daydream.

"Princess are you okay?" she said concern clear on her face, "You have been out of it lately."

She was right the more time passed the more the gloom on her face got darker. She has been her maid since she was 5, and now Nefertari is 11. So, 6 years is enough for anyone to know the person in front of them by heart, and she knew that whatever happened back there in Korea, Tari missed it.

"I-it's nothing." She faked a smile which didn't fool Canaria.

"Princess," Canaria frowned, "I've known you since you were 5 so, I can say by just a look if you are not okay." She cared for her princess like an older sister, since she wasn't old enough to care for her like a mother.

Nefertari looked at her almost on the verge of crying. "I miss them so much Canaria."

Canaria knew exactly what she meant since Tari told her everything about her new friends, the sea of stars, the beautiful lake and even about how she almost drowned to death which made Canaria's heart sink as she told her the story in details.

"I know you do Princess," her expression softened up, "But you got to keep on with your life. You can't keep dwelling on the past."

Nefertari just looked at her hand as they both sat on a bench in the palace gardens, which was Tari's favorite place in the palace. This is was your mother's favorite part in the palace her father used to tell her when he would walk with her through the vast forest-like gardens.

"Joon Wo promised to send me every now and then!" she said angrily at the message that she has been waiting for a month now.

"I'm sure he sent it and that it's on the way Princess." She grinned at the younger girl in an attempt to cheer her up, which was slightly working.

Nefertari nodded her head and returned the smile. "Let's walk."

And so, they did, they walked side by side on the pathway that was defined by the grass and bushes with different kinds of flowers scattered across the area.

The late afternoon sun was bright over the palace, it was perfect. It wasn't too hot; it was just enough to send warmth creeping down over your body.

"Her Majesty cared for all those flowers herself." Canaria said not talking to Nefertari in particular.

"I already know that Canaria." She chuckled, "Every time we walk here you tell me the same thing over and over again." She wasn't annoyed at that, she just admired how Canaria cared for her mother and still keep remembering her even after such a long time.

Most of the things Tari knew about her mother was from Canaria. Canaria has grown up watching Cleopatra, she was her handmaid as well before Nefertari. The kindness and the big heart that the queen had has found its way to Canaria's heart just as it did to all those who came across her.

But what amazed Nefertari even more is that Canaria was able to know such small details about her mother.

"Sometimes I think that you know mother more than Papa does." Tari said.

"Oh Lord! That is absurd." Canaria turned to look down at the princess, "No one knew your mother more than the Pharaoh!" she looked at her with the are-you-serious look.

"I mean he doesn't talk about her unless I ask, and when I do, he talks as if I'm forcing him." She said pouting.

"It's not that he wants to hide it Princess," she said, "it brings him great pain to talk about her."

That was all she was allowed to tell her. She was one of the few who knew what happened, even though she was young the truth has never left her mind as she grew up. Once she was assigned to be Nefertari's handmaid she promised the Pharaoh that the truth would remain hidden from Tari till she grows up and he tells her himself.

Did he do that because he was afraid to hurt his daughter's young heart or was it because he couldn't bring himself to talk about what happened?

"I think you should be patient my Princess. I'm sure the Pharaoh will tell you everything in time." She reassured her which Tari accepted with a hum.


"Oh, who is that?" Canaria said tilting her head.

Tari followed her line if gaze and found who she was talking about. "Oh, that's Azar." She exclaimed as she recognized the golden hair and the eyes with the same shade that was walking in their direction.

"Greetings Princess," Azar said bowing his head with his hand on the hilt of his sword that was hanged on his waist.

"Oh hey, Azar." She smiled brightly at the knight in front of her. She has been meeting him a lot since that day they first met in Korea but she still doesn't know anything about him other than his name.

Unlike the other Knights in the Royal Guard who came from respectful families in Egypt she didn't know anything about his family or background which was strange because she knew everyone in the Royal Guards.

After all, she has been here since she was born and she had completely nothing to do after her lessons in the morning.

"I heard you finished your training!" she said, "That was so fast, no one has ever finished it in the first month!"

"You flatter me Princess, it's just because I had good guidance from the Captain." He said

"You mean living hell." She scoffed, "I know how strict Jaffar can get." She said remembering how he thought her self-defense saying that she might need it someday.

"He can get a little to strict." He sighed. The moment they set foot in Egypt Jaffar didn't let him get a moment of rest, he made him work so hard that sometimes he thought that was because he didn't trust him. But as he came to know more victims, he found out that was not the case.

"What was that?"

Azar jumped in place as he recognized the voice that came from behind him.

"C-captain!" he stuttered, "I-it was nothing." He coughed regaining his composure.

"Greetings Princess." Jaffar bowed and turned his eyes to look at the young man beside him. "I thought I heard someone complain." He tilted his head looking at him with narrow eyes.

Azar scoffed waving his hand. "W-who would dare complain about the all mighty Jaffar." He said sarcastically gaining a hit on his head from his captain.

"I think I haven't given you enough work to do today." Jaffar said inhaling sharply, "Should I make you run 10 times around the palace?" he eyed the golden headed young man.

"N-no no," he said with horror in his eyes, "I already ran 10 laps around the palace!"

"But you still have energy to complain, are you sure?" Jaffar said looking at him with that poker face as the two ladies just stood there and giggled.

"And I wondered why no one complains." Azar frowned, "You are playing dirty Captain!"

Jaffar didn't answer that and decided that this is the end of this conversation about how he handles his men.

"Princess," Jaffar said, "the Pharaoh would want to see you."

"Huh?" She tilted her head, "Why? I was just with him this morning."

"That I do not know Princess."

She hummed in acceptance. "Let's go Canaria." She said turning back to head to her father's study where he probably is.

"Now, it's time to deal with you." he glared at Azar making him gulp.


Akhenaton heard a knock on the door disturbing his focused mind from the endless work that was piled up waiting for him while he was away.

He deeply sighed, "Come in."

"Papa?" Tari pecked her head through the heavy door.

"Oh, Tari come in." he smiled feeling all the frustration he had pinned inside him gone just like that.

"I heard you called for me." She said. Walking towards her father as he gestured for her to come over.

"Don't you want to go out to the city?" he said as he held her up on his lap.

"I can!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, of course you can!" he said, "But of course I'll send guards with you."

Of course, you will she replied in the back of her head knowing just how much her father feared for her safety. Just allowing her to go out into the city without him was a very big step for him to do. So, she won't complain.

"Thank you, Papa." She said wrapping her fragile arms around him as much as she could.

"Your welcome my Princess."