
The great city of Thebes, capital of Kemet (Egypt). Who wouldn't love to take a stroll through its paved walkways with shops and buyers on either side of you?

With the great Nile river flowing through the land like the blood in the veins, giving life to every living soul on the vast lands and fertile soils of Kemet.

This was the view that Nefertari saw from the terrace of her father's study moments after he gave her the news that she would go on a stroll on the morrow.

The joy was obvious on her round face. The smile that was on her lips along with the smile in her eyes. It's been a while since she smiled genuinely.

She was in deed still missing her friends, Joon Wo in particular. But she decided to do what her handmaid Canaria told her, to keep the memories in her heart but keep living her life treasuring them.

She can't keep living in the past dwelling on what has already gone. If only she could say that to her father, to let go of the past, to let go of her mother and focus on being happy. He had one happiness left in this world, it is to watch her grow up into a beautiful Queen.

She kept staring out on to the vast city of Kemet, leaning on to the railing that was a bit shorter than her, with the desert breeze blowing through her hair.

"Princess!" Canaria busted into the room without even a knock or a hint that she was coming in making the Pharaoh Yelp.

"O-Oh God!" she said, "Y-Your Holiness I apologize for my unacceptable behavior." Her eyes shot wide open dropping into a deep bow as soon as she realized that she just barged into the Pharaoh's chambers.

"It's alright Canaria. I was just surprised." He gave her a reassuring smile.

"Tari!" he called out a little loud knowing that his daughter must be daydreaming again. She liked to stare out on to Thebes just like how her mother used to.

"Yes, Papa?" Tari said as she stepped out of the terrace looking back and forth between her frustrated maid and her grinning father.

"What is it Canaria?" Nefertari said as she sat on the couch with a soft thud.

"You've a letter Princess!" she said and dashed by to her Princess who looked at her not understanding what she was talking about. While the Pharaoh was smirking over his paper work already knowing what Canaria is talking about.

"A letter…" she said taking the letter in her hand. Her eyes shot out with joy as she read the name that was written on it.

'Joon Wo and his Brothers.'

"It's from Jooni!!!" she exclaimed happily holding up the letter to show it to her father.

J-Jooni… the nickname struck him right in the heart. "I told you it will take a while." He said despite the jealousy that was rising inside him. Such an overprotective father…

She didn't hold back another moment and ripped it open.

What a neat handwriting! Was the first thing that came to her mind which surprised her to be honest. Joon Wo didn't even attend seem like the type of person who would have this kind of writing.

It was neat and clean, not a letter or a stroke out of place. It was too nice that Tari thought that someone else must have wrote it for him.

She shrugged that thought off and focused on reading the letter that she has been waiting for…

'Dear Nefertari,'

At least he wrote my name right she thought and kept on reading…

'I hope you are doing well over there in Thebes. Your message arrived just the other day and I read it with my brothers under the cherry blossom tree that you adore so much. We miss you already despite that only a couple of weeks has passed. Nothing much has changed since you left, everything is just the same so this letter will not be as long as you hoped. Sorry I that made you feel disappointed. We wanted to let you know that we are fine and we hope you are as well.

The Princes.'

The smile didn't leave her face for even a second as she read through the neatly written letter. She couldn't help but read it in Joon Wo's voice and imagine if he was the one who wrote the letter, he would be sitting with three brothers around him telling him what to say.

She chuckled at the picture that her mind formed inside her little head. She got off the couch and walked over to her father with her eyes still glued to the piece of paper in her tiny hands.

"Look Papa." she said handing him the letter.

"I told you it will take a while for your message to reach them and for the reply to reach you." He ruffled her hair with his right hand and held the letter with his other hand.

A small grin formed on his face at the knowledge that his little bundle of sunshine is all grown and is now forming friendships with people that care for her.

Javid knew about the attack…

That voice the echoed in his head made him shrug. The overwhelming feeling of betrayal that he felt that day made him worry for his daughter.

It will not happen again right? The betrayal from your closest ally.

A knock was heard again, bringing him back from his nightmare. He sighed wondering how many times does that make it today that the door knocked.

"Come in."

"Greeting Pharaoh, Princess." Jaffar said bowing and acknowledged Canaria with a nod making her nod back with a flush on her face…wait what?

She was Blushing!

Nefertari looked back and forth between them wondering what's going on. There was no way that she was letting her handmaid off the hook just like that.

Canaria looked at Tari when she started to stare at her for too long. Tari pointed with her eyes at the Captain and that was enough for Canaria to know what she was talking about which made her blush even more, she waved her off with her hand.

"Papa," she said still looking at Canaria, "I'll go on now if that is all."

"Oh, yes go ahead pumpkin." He said with a gentle smile.

"Let's go Canaria." She said wrapping her arm around Canaria's arm dragging her out of the room.

"You have a lot to tell me." Tari said loud enough for Canaria to hear.

"B-but Princess…" Canaria said as the door closed shut behind them.

As the door closed behind the two young girls Jaffar turned to look at Akhenaton who was sitting behind his desk.

"You asked for me Pharaoh?"

Akhenaton nodded. "I need you to gather some men for tomorrow."

"May I ask the reason?" Jaffar said.

"Tari will go out to the city on the morrow, I want some men with her." He said, "But make sure that they don't attract any unwanted attention."

"Yes, Your Holiness." Jaffar said and held his head low.

"And make sure that Azar is one of them."

Jaffar held his head to look at his king with a questioning look, "Pharaoh but he has just completed his training and…"

"He can't be trusted?" Akhenaton finished for him.

Jaffar looked straight into in his old friend's honey colored eyes who was now his king.

"You can't keep saying that you don't trust him without letting him prove himself, Jaffar." Akhenaton sighed getting tired of how worked up his friend is about Azar. But he can't completely blame him. After all, his first priority is protecting the king and safety of the people of Kemet.

"If that's your order Your Holiness I'll do it." He looked back down as he talked.


He looked up.

"It's not an order." Akhenaton said with a warm smile on his mouth, "It is a request from your old friend."

Jaffar just kept staring not knowing what to say. The last time he talked friendly with Akhenaton was during his Wife's funeral to calm him down and he didn't do it since then because he thought that it will be rude to talk to the king of Kemet in such a way.

What he didn't know that despite becoming king, Akhenaton never looked at Jaffar as someone less than his loyal friend. He is the only friend that lasted from the past.

The only one that stayed.

The only one that didn't betray him or left him alone.

"I wish if you could just talk to me like the old days Jaffar." He said standing up from his seat and walking to stand in front of the terrace with the sun light coming through it illuminating the Pharaoh giving him an ethereal look.

It reflected in in his raven-black hair making it shimmer brightly. His eyes were two shades brighter than before due to the warm rays that came through the open doors of the terrace.

"If that's what you want then I'll do it." Jaffar said looking at his friend.

"I'll do that Aton."