My Loyalty is to The One and Only.

Joon Wo noticed how Min Jun was trembling next to him, he held out his hand to hold his brothers trembling ones. Min Jun's head jolted up as he felt the warmth radiating from his brother's hand. Joon Wo mouthed his brother asking him if he was okay, and Min Jun smiled and nodded reassuringly.

"Are you sure you got this? Things don't look good for Azar." Joon Wo whispered as he leaned down to Nefertari's height.

She turned to look at him. "No need to worry, Jooni, everything is under control." She said giving him no option but to trust her. He turned his attention back to the heated conversation between the King and Armin.

"So, what you want to say is that you did all of this killing just because you enjoyed it?" the king questioned. "You weren't ordered by anyone to do so? You do realize if you admit to who is behind you, your punishment won't be as severe as now?"