Innocent No More.

The king sighed handing the letter back to Azar, this is the official Kemet seal on the letter no doubt about it. Everything was now clear to King Tae – that's what he believed, he thought that the maid's death had something to do with the poisoning. Was it really a coincidence that the same maid that served the poison is the same one Armin killed because of his personal grudge?

He wanted to believe otherwise but that would be nothing but groundless suspicion. "I apologize for all the trouble that we have made you go through, sir Azar," the king said. "But I hope you understand the position that I was put in, it's the life of my son we are talking about here."

For some reason, Joon Wo felt that his father's words were more than polished words in an official audience, he felt that they were sincere. Does the man who left him to rot south with the Wangs actually care about him? Joon Wo wondered but decided that his fatherly issues should have to wait.