Beginning of His Fall From History

"What news do we have from Armin?" King Farzad said as he sat in the huge dining table in the dining room with only him eating while the captain of his Royal guards Bijan standing on his right side.

"We are still to hear from him, Your Majesty," Bijan said with a straight face. "According to the original plan, the deed should've been done a few days ago."

The king hummed as he stuffed his face with the highest quality meat while his people were out there barely hanging on to the robe of hope. "Then we should hear the happy news any time soon now," the king chuckled.

He kept on eating his meal with a grin on his face, till he remembered something that made him stop his spoon midway to his mouth. "What about that maid in the pharaoh's palace? Anything?" he asked.

Bijan shook his head. "We haven't heard from her this month, might be a delay in the letter." He said.