Hunting His Own Tail

"I don't know what exactly Farzad is planning," Aleah said feeling her nerves shivering in anxiety. "But I kind of figured what he is trying to do…" she hesitated, feeling that one wrong word will send her head rolling on the floor of the pharaoh's study.

"You can talk, don't worry you will keep your head," Akhenaton said almost as if he read her mind.

She took a deep breath. "He is trying to take you down and invade Kemet," she said in one breath avoiding the pharaoh's stares. She brought her head up when she heard the chuckles escaping his mouth, this wasn't the kind of reaction she thought he would give her.

"Don't look so surprised," Akhenaton said. "Do I look like an easy person to be taken down and strip me of my empire, what am I? A child?" he never knew how that old man was thinking, but he was proving just how ridiculous he was. What was he thinking when he thought about this?