Will to Keep on Living

Aleah once thought that Farzad is a cunning man, but not anymore, not when she was sitting in this pharaoh's presence. She couldn't believe that for all this time this man has been treating them like idiots all along.

Making them chase after none existent facts, fairytales he fed them and they gladly accepted it without a second thought. Thinking back at it, despite all the information Aleah gave them back at Persia, nothing has been done, not a step has been taken forward. They have been his toys all along.

Aleah chuckled as she realized how stupid she was. "I remember when I decided to do this godforsaken job, I wanted to be able to live comfortably when it's all over. I would take anything I want and go far away and start anew," She said not knowing why she started babbling about herself to him, but more surprising, he was listening to her. "Never thought that I would end up working for the man who I was going to help bring down, it's funny when you think about it."