
Farzad's head shot up after he heard something that was finally in his interest, wondering what his son might have that might be his.

"And what's that?" It was Bijan who answered with the same not-interested tone as he turned his head to look down at Javid who was standing at the bottom of the steps that lead to the throne.

Javid smirked as he held up his hand with the letter, he can already smell something fishy, not to mention the strong smell of something dying here, but the hall was empty except for the three of them. Looks like they took care of the chest before he entered, lucky them.

"It's a letter," Javid said as he turned it in his hand. "But it has no information, no seal, nothing. Something that isn't befitting a king, I might say," from the look on their faces he already knew that they knew who the sender is.

"Hand it over," Bijan said as he started to walk down the steps. Javid narrowed his eyes as he looked at he approached him.