"Oh, God," she halted in her steps and looked at Ashkan, completely astonished by what she concluded from his simple words, but from the look on his face, she knew that he has also reached the same conclusion as her.

"You don't possibly think that he was doing all of this for his sister?" She questioned.

"I'm not sure yet, but that is the only thing we have got so far." He said stopping a step ahead of her as he looked at the ground, allowing the vivid guilt to eat him up alive. "He hasn't been seen with anyone else."

Tari tilted her head. "Why do you think he had to go that far for his sister? I mean what is it that he has to protect her from?" she puzzled thinking out loud.

Ashkan took a deep breath, thinking the same thing as her. And there was always the same answer. "My Grandfather." He stated, raising his head to look at her.