Sort of Happened This Way

"I want you to spread the word that I'm going to announce the crown prince in a week," King Tae said.

His advisor looked up at him feeling dumbfounded but decided against making him repeat his words. "Yes, Your Majesty," he said bowing and turned around to leave.

The king leaned back against his throne, trying to enjoy what little time he has left before another person comes bursting through the door, but that was all just wishful thinking. Just as he leaned back the door to the throne room burst open, revealing Queen Eun Ae.

He sighed, not surprised as he is the one who called her here. "Greetings, Your Majesty," the queen said and bowed. "To what do I own the pleasure of being called here?" she was really ignorant of why he called her here, but she had a feeling that it wasn't something to her liking. Why else would he call her to tell her something himself?