Shall We Open It Together?

"This doesn't look like it will stop any time soon," Joon Wo said as he leaned forward to look up at the pouring sky. "It's getting late."

"Sad though," Nefertari said. "I don't want it to end." She leaned back to rest on the tree as she closed her eyes taking in the smell of the water droplets as they shattered on the already wet ground.

"We have to go back soon," Joon Wo said turning to look at her. "We don't want anyone to notice that we ain't in the palace, it would cause trouble." His mouth talked but his mind was stuck in admiring her side profile, watching how the corners of her lips turned up into a grin and her long lashes that cast a shadow on her cheeks. Somehow, the sun found its way through the thick tree branches and fell on Tari's tanned skin, making it shine just like gold.