Is This Conversation Not For Single Children?

"Hyung?" Joon Wo said through irregular breaths from the marathon that he just ran, his eyes scanning his brother from top to bottom, in search of any harm that might have come to him inside the den of the wicked. He was fine except for the look on his face, his eyes looked as if they weren't seeing him, they were somewhere far away.

"W-what are you doing here?" Yu Jun asked as he turned to close the door behind him, hiding them both from the queen's eyes. "And why are you soaked?" he continued as he eyed his younger brother.

"I would like to ask you the same thing!?" Joon Wo snapped. "Why were you here?"

Yu Jun closed his eyes as if he was trying to put a façade over his face, wanting to hide the truth from him. "It was nothing, just a simple chat." He said relaxing his shoulders and walking past his brother.