We Are Kid’s No More!

"H-Hyung," Joon Wo stuttered, wishing he can take what he said back. "How long have you been there?"

"Just now," he replied. "Don't worry, I haven't heard everything you said, though I can imagine it vividly in my head." He chuckled softly as he looked back and forth between the faces that were staring at him as if they have just seen a ghost.

"Do you not yet realize that I've been here for all my life, Joon-ah," Yu Jun said, holding his hands together behind his back as he looked out through the window at the rain that wasn't planning of stopping soon. "I've seen and heard a lot already. Do you think I was deaf to all those whispers in the palace?"

"I-I just," Joon Wo paused, lost for words, not being able to give an excuse.