Parchment in Size of a Pea.

Ashkan sat there next to the bed as he slowly stroked his long fingers through Darsameen's brown hair as she finally gave up to sleep. Ashkan has got to admit that he has tired himself from running all over the place as he chased after her, he can relate now to why kids always fall asleep after they play all day. They get to lost in the moment to realize or notice how tired they are.

He smiled as he stroked the last strand off her face as her little breathes filled the emptiness in the room…the emptiness that resembled that of Ashkan's heart, or was it filled with pain? He wondered as he released a deep breath.

He brought back his hand to lay it on his thigh as he listened to the rain as it echoed through the chambers, with every roar of the thunder, his eyes would jolt down to look at Darsameen to make sure that she wasn't bothered by it, and it didn't.