Books Of Literature.

"M-My mother?" she repeated as if it was the first time hearing such a word. A word that normal people would translate into something that has a warm aura, a being that was blessed with endless kindness. Joon Wo didn't relate to any of that, whenever he would try to fit his mother the Queen into these categories, he falls.

"You everything about my family, my mother, and father, and all my siblings," he said, stopping in his tracks to look at her. "I want to know more about you, Nefertari."

It never failed. The way he called her name, it never failed to make her heart skip a beat, a couple of beats actually. The way he was trying hard to use her name though it was hard on his tongue just because she stated once that Ashkan is the only one who calls her by her real name. She didn't mean harm at that time at all, she just noticed, she never guessed that Joon Wo would turn into a challenge.

Though, she can't say that she hates it…