I’ll Love You Till All The Worlds Vanish.

She couldn't help but laugh out loud. Nefertari closed the book and placed it back in its place and took another one out that had a title that caught her attention.

"I'll love you till the last breath I take, till all the worlds vanish and exist no more, till the stars burn and disappear." she quoted a phrase from the book.

The words took Joon Wo by surprise that his eyes jolted up from looking at the ground to look at Nefertari who didn't notice what she just said. She kept on reading with the same warm smile on her face.

"I read literature because it was the only way I can express my feelings without fear," he said. "Feeling that I am the one who is saying all those words. It was my salvation when I was stressed out." He looked at Nefertari as if she was the only thing in this world, his very first impression of her was still with him even after all this time.