A Song That Started at The Beginning of Time.

A Song That Started at The Beginning of Time.

And just like that, the night passes. The night that everyone all over the palace was trying to enjoy to the fullest. Even the Queen, she hasn't ceased to be happy since the day before. Finally, her plan was taking place, it was only a matter of time before Joon Wo descends to the throne, and hence, she gets to control.

Or that was what she thought.

She thought that she can have her way with her son even after he becomes king. She had no idea what was awaiting her, what fate had in store for her. She has been lucky for more than enough, one day she was going to run out of it.

Ashkan and Jae, Joon Wo and Nefertari…the love birds were trying to make every moment count, engrave every second of each passing hour in their mind.