Lust at Midnight.

"Don't you think that you are being a little rude in front of our guests just before they leave?" The king said, throwing side glances at the advisor who was now standing in front of them trying to catch his breath.

"I-I apologize, Your Majesty," He said through heavy pants. "B-but it's about them." His attention turned to look at the eyes that were looking at him with a question mark on their faces. Except for the Queen, she was only here due to protocol and she wouldn't care less about Nefertari and her little friends.

"Well now, spit it out," The king said inpatient.

"The rain, Your Majesty,"

"What about it?"

"It destroyed the only way out of here,"


"Is everything ready?" Akhenaton said, sitting down on his bed with a loud thud. Looking at the door with Aleah standing in front of it, her head held low and her hands intertwined in front of her.