The World Is Just A Simple Equation.

Joon Wo stared blankly at her, not knowing what he said that brought her to say that. "W-what was that?" Joon Wo said as he chuckled deeply, his shoulders shrugging in the process. "You went completely off-topic."

"I don't know," Nefertari said. "I just felt that I should say that or I might get to regret it later." She continued, her head drifting away slowly from him as she spoke.

They stayed quiet, marveling up at the sky. Enjoying each other's silent company.

How scary everything can turn upside down in a blink of an eye when you least expect it. When you are just getting ready for the expected, everything changes…call fate, maybe destiny, or the result of a long chain of events that led it this way. It might have all began due to a little flap of a butterfly's wing. Every action has a reaction, so does that mean that this the reaction of the series of misfortune that happened?