Man in a Hood.

"Watch it, pretty boy," Tari said as she narrowed her eyes at him. "You are now disrespecting the Kemet Empire in front of its future queen."

"Woah," He exclaimed as he took a step back to admire her change of attitude. "You remind me of that day with lady Hae." He giggled as he changed the subject.

"Don't bring up that woman," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "She was the one at fault for what happened to Azar."

"Well, I think she did you good because how else would you've known about Azar's secret job?" he stated gesturing for her to walk with him which she did quietly out of habit.

"Hmm," she hummed. " Well, that's the only good part. A lot of misfortune fell on us because she opened her mouth, and in the end, Azar was just following my Father's orders. What happened to her anyway?"