Familiar White and Gold.

"A man in a hood?" Joon Wo quoted.

"Yes Your Highness," the guard replied. "He has been causing a ruckus outside about wanting to enter the palace.

Joon Wo wondered who this could be but no answer came to his mind. Could it be one of the angry commoners causing a scene at the gates? He thought.

"Alright, lead the way," Joon Wo said as he sighed. He thought that for once he was going to have a calm day with his loved ones. He couldn't even express how happy he is that Nefertari no longer felt worried. He had no idea what happened to her that made all the worry and anxiety that she has been suffering for weeks go away.

Though he kind of expected that on the day of the coronation, and it wasn't going to become any easier…only harder.