
"Your Majesty," Said Bijan. "I have a feeling that the crown prince will not let this go." He said as he looked out to his King that was sitting on his throne, busy gulping down the sweet wine.

The king groaned as he brought down the cup, releasing a heavy breath that he was holding as he drank. "That arrogant bastard won't do anything," said the king. "That's how he has always been, ever since he went to that palace to squire for the Pharaoh he returned to me weak and broken. And that damned woman, she ruined him even after he was already ruined, there was no way I couldn't bring back my tough son after that." He cursed under his breath, remembering the way Javid left the palace for the first time when he was 10, to return to him when he was 18. He came back soft and weak. Giving sympathy to the servants, he was his son, and he treated those peasants as if they were their equals.