Give Me The Throne.

Javid felt the blood as it heated up inside his veins, he never believed that his father could even consider harming Ashkan, his own kin. How did it even cross his mind that he could threaten Javid with his son?!

Javid's hands were clenching and unclenching continuously by his side as he tried to keep whatever sanity he has left inside. But he didn't know that that sanity has left him long ago. This time he could hear something inside him snap. Whatever he was going to do next was going to be regretted once he walks out that door…or he will not regret it, no one knows.

"If you were going to cowar so quickly then you should've thought twice before you did something so stupid," said the king as he narrowed his eyes, glaring hard at his first-born with eyes of hate. Javid wondered if those same eyes used to look at him with love and care, did Farzad used to give him the same look that he gives Ashkan?