The Most Precious Treasure.

The sun flooded the entire room of the queen. She sat there, as usual, waiting for the report that comes to her from the maids about everything that happened the other day. There wasn't a thing going on in the palace that she didn't know of. Except for the commotion that happened the night before. 

"Did you find out what that ruckus was yesterday?" Queen Eun Ae asked. Remembering the noise that she heard at dinner, she walked out to look out of her window. How lucky is she that the window of her room has a direct view of the court? 

She remembers that tall figure in a white hood with its gleaming gold sword at its side. She wasn't lucky enough to hear any of the talks that went down there. She guessed that something was off, from the way Princess Nefertari reacted. The man then gracefully raised his hand to take off his hood, all that she could make out was the ash-brown hair that gleamed underneath the torchlight of the palace.