Your Choice.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Min Jun said, finally gathering the courage to look at her. 

"I got to admit," said the queen. "you are starting to be clever, my boy. To the extent where I might actually regret making that arrogant brother of your king." She giggled devilishly. 

Snap. He felt something snap inside him. maybe it was because she called his beloved brother arrogant, or was it because of the thought that she might have thrown Joon Wo aside if she did indeed feel the Min Jun was more capable? 

She needed a puppet, someone who has their soul is broken yet they didn't lose their head. Someone smart, yet obeying her every word. Joon Wo was the first, but not the latter. Joon Wo was never the obeying type, he never did anything she said. The last thing that she remembers him doing is sacrificing himself to be also part of the Wang family.