Yes, I’m the Devil.

Azar shut the door of the dining room after he made sure that the Pharaoh was out of his way. Honestly, there wasn't actually anything that the Pharaoh asked of him but he could see that Akhenaton needed help now more than ever. That was the kind of bond that grew between the two of them, it was more than just a master-servant relationship. It's a bond that has grown stronger by a long time that they spent together. Akhenaton can almost say that he gained a new friend. 

"Now," said Aton as he started to let his feet take him wherever. "What is it that I asked of you?" he giggled, Azar walking a step behind him. 

"Forgive that I lied, Your Holiness," Azar said all formal. "But I kind of felt that you needed help." He didn't care to hide the smirk that was now on his face. Though Akhenaton was giving him his back, he knew that he was smirking. Like who wouldn't? That was the perfect harmony they had here.