Please Stay Out of my Head!

"I beg your pardon?" Azar said as he finally caught up to the Pharaoh, only to halt once again at the sentence that came from nowhere. Was he reading his mind? Azar thought, feeling the sweat that started tickling him as it fell down his forehead. But what else was he expecting from the man that he has served so loyally for the past decade?

Akhenaton halted too, leaving only a step between him and Azar. He was silent for a moment, not making it easier for Azar now that the only noise that could be heard was the rattling of the tree branches against each other by the summer breeze. 

Slowly Akhenaton turned his head to look at the knight that has been with him through it all. The man that he risked his life to protect. This was what he saw in him that day that Azar pushed past his guards to get to him. "Please take me in, Your Holiness!" Azar said that day.