The Princess that You Are.

She felt that she was a child that just got candy from their mother. She looked at the Hanbok as if it was the most precious thing in the world. She raised her head to look at Joon Wo who was looking at her in turn, feeling like a proud parent looking at their happy child. 

"I really can't say how much I love it!" she exclaimed. 

He smiled at her with a smile that melted away all the worries and problems in the world. "I can't wait to see you in it," he said, moving his hand through his hair as he tried to hide how excited and also frustrated he was. 

"I will not keep you waiting longer then," she said, closing the box again. She walked to Jooni and took his hand in hers, squeezing it tight while eyeing him a thank you. It took all of his power not to pull her again into his embrace. They were already as late as it is.