Take Care of Her.  

"You always say that," Tari said, her smile was filtered with sadness as she remembered that one hug she had with her mother in her long dream during that rainy night. 

"I feel hurt that I'm not the escort," 

They all turned to look at the sound of the voice to see Azar, fully dressed in his Royal armor, with the insignia of Kemet embedded on the breastplate. "Well," said Aton. "better luck next time." He walked past them and patted Joon Wo on the shoulders. 

The Pharaoh looked at him with a fatherly expression as he whispered take care of her. Those simple words have caught Jooni off guard. He wondered how a person can have such two different personalities. How can someone be so fears and yet so gentle? Like two sides of a coin, they are so different, yet that's what makes them so complete.

He snapped out of his thoughts fast as he figured that he should reply to his lover's father. "I'll keep her safe," said Joon Wo. "Even if it costs my life."