We are Screwed.

Min Jun felt his feet petrify underneath him. He slowly lifted his head to see his brother looking at him, broken and lost. His eyes roaming his, searching for an answer to the questions that ravished his young mind. 

Min Jun stole a glance at the door of his room that was wide open for the audience. "What do you think you are doing going into my room like that, Hyung?" Min Jun said, his firm annoyed voice wasn't going well with the anxiety that was coursing through him.

"Does that even matter now?!" Jin Wo scoffed in disbelief. "You said that you are studying! That you were improving yourself! Not that you were working on your alcohol tolerance!" he pointed to the empty bottles of sake, soju, and ale. 

Min Jun clenched his fist and dashed past his brother, bumping into his shoulder on purpose to go inside the room. He knew that closing the door wasn't going to stop his brother from rushing after him.