The Man Who Disappeared.

He threw that ticking bomb and left. He left, while Min Jun was wide-mouthed as he stared at the door as it shut behind his brother. 

This was a crises right!? Min Jun should be in the corner crying in fear, he has been found out! But no…this wasn't how he was feeling at all. He was satisfied. He felt that he can breathe again. The weight that was weighing him down, was gone! Just like that. 

A chuckle found its way to his mouth, along with tears. He didn't know what these tears represented but, one thing he was sure of…it wasn't tears of sadness. His knees gave up underneath him, he sank to the ground hugging his knees with one hand while the other pushed back his air out of his teary face. "Thank God," he mumbled under his breath. 

The imaginary scenes of what might happen started playing itself in front of him, and now there was an extra piece. A hidden scene. An unnoticed variable in the equation that's going to turn this upside down.