Down The Gates of Hell.

It's been weeks since she last saw the Pharaoh. Is he sick or something? she thought.

"Yes, Aleah," Jaffar said noticing how she was staring blankly at the empty seat behind the wide desk. "What is it?" he turned around holding his hands together behind his back. This was how he stopped any weird rumor from going around, he left no one time to even think that the Pharaoh is missing. This was a crucial part of the plan as Akhenaton said. "If anyone found out that I'm missing then it's game over, Jaffar," Akhenaton told him.

"Huh?" she snapped. "Right…I wanted to say that the letter came later yesterday from Persia." She held out the letter.

"And it said?" he asked.

"Nothing much," she shrugged her shoulder. "It says to just stand by for more orders. Letters these past months didn't say much."

Not even about their plan? he wondered. It'll be bad if they started suspecting her.

"What am I supposed to say?" she said.