Only you Can Beat me.

Azar opened the door of the ballroom, standing to the side with his head held low giving space for the Pharaoh to pass through. Once Akhenaton took foot outside he followed him, taking one last look inside the ballroom, to see Queen Eun Ae standing there amidst the emptiness…defeated. 

"Are you sure that she is going to stay loyal, Pharaoh?" Azar asked once he closed the door. 

The Pharaoh held his hands together behind his back with a wide grin on his face. "Azar, how many times do I have to tell you that it's not loyalty that I hold over others," he chuckled darkly. "It's their fear. The one who has complete control over their fear then, there is nothing that they won't do for you."

Azar halted his thoughts, wondering if that was the same for him. Does the Pharaoh hold me by my fear? he thought. What is that anyway?