Graceful Handwriting.  

The Queen rushed inside her room, locking the door from the inside preventing even her maids from coming in. she could still feel her blood rushing through her veins, her breath was fast and uneven as she turned the room upside-down looking for her stationary. The blood was dried on the skin of her neck. 

The fear that she had felt the moment that she saw the Pharaoh walking through the door was something she has never experienced before. She was the type to be feared, not to feel fear. She wondered if this was what Min Jun felt whenever he came to her when she used him as a puppet. 

All she could do in front of Akhenaton was try to keep her image and hide her fear, but the rapid beating of her heart betrayed her. She saw in the look in his yellow shining eyes that he had her all figured, the smirk on his lips that spoke to her silently. That is true power she said in the back of her mind.