Peaceful Day.

Ashkan's eyes fluttered open, he groaned as he turned to the side. His head was still in a haze that he forgot where he was, he was taken aback when he saw that sleeping figure next to him. His expression soften when his mind snapped out of its sleep. It was Jae I next to him, her hair spread on the pillow underneath her head. Her mouth agape as she took small soft breaths. Her long lashes were casting a shadow on her pale cheeks. 

Ashkan couldn't help but smile to himself like an idiot. He reached his hand to pull back the lock of hair that fell to her eyes, in the attempt he placed his hand on her cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb. This small gesture was sending warmth creeping down to his very bones. He looked again at her one last time before sitting straight. He carefully got off the bed, making sure not to rock it.