I Demand an Explanation!

Akhenaton sneaked his way inside Nefertari's room, he stood by her bed watching as she slept soundly while hugging the pillow to her chest. He wasn't able to meet her yesterday. By the time he got to the room she was already sound asleep so, he left quietly. 

He thought that she was going to be awake by now but, he was wrong. He sighed with a grin on her face not helping the urge to pull back the hair that was falling to her eyes. He hated going back to Azar's room where he was sleeping so, he decided to take care of a little something right now. 

He believed that his previous letter to Jaffar has already been received and that he was in the middle of making preparations right now. Now it was time to put the next part of the plan into motion. Assembling the army, and preparing it was no easy task. It needed money, resources, and training. But he trusted Jaffar on getting it done.