Mother, and Daughter.

Nefertari has got to admit that she felt the fury going through her. The mere thought that Azar knew what happened to her mother while she was completely clueless. If it hadn't been for that portrait she saw in the looked room back when she was a child, she would have never known what her mother even looked like.

She tried too hard to understand that it was a memory that brings him pain, but that was him being selfish! She is also in pain, not knowing anything about what happened, she felt that she was a stranger. Those eyes of the people in the palace looking at her in pity. Everyone knew what happened to her mother – or so she believed. 

"So even Azar now knows what happened?" she scoffed. "He wasn't even there when that happened! You didn't even know of his existence!" her voice was tainted with sadness and anger. Anger that comes crashing on her with no warning.