Gone Soft.

Bijan stared blankly as he awaited his orders from his king. King Farzad was sitting with his hands under his chin as he bit on his nails, the sweat was trailing down his brows as he tapped his feet repeatedly in a rhythmic manner. Hatred was visible in the glow of his eyes, the hate that was coursing through his body was nothing that he wasn't used to. Bijan has served him through all these years but till now he had no idea what this hate that he had for the Pharaoh. 

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?" Captain Bijan said as he looked at the King's side view. 

The king took a deep breath before shifting his attention back to the reality that he was living…the bitter reality. "You are the only one left," said the King. Bijan hated the way that he talked riddles with him. He liked everything to be clear and straightforward, and the king was neither clear nor straightforward.