The Predictable Man.

"Your Highness," Heath stuttered as his eyes fluttered. "Are you sure of such a thing? What if I got caught?" he looked at Javid with his eyes wide as he scanned him, wanting to see what he has to say more. 

Javid sighed allowing himself to sit on the floor, running a hand through his hair. "There is always that risk," he said. "But Ashkan has got to know what is happening here! He is safe there, I can't risk him coming here." His voice was covered with his concern for his son. He can only imagine what would happen if he has been here. 

Heath looked down at the stone ground and made up his mind. "Alright – alright, Your Highness." He said. "I'll send a letter to the Prince, and I will make sure that it's written so only he can understand."

Javid nodded. "No one knows me and my son better than you, Heath." Javid looked at Heath reassuringly. Putting his hands through the metal bars to pat him on the shoulders. "You are the only hope I have here."