Into Our Chaos.

Azar couldn't say that he understood what the Pharaoh meant completely, but he could get where he was coming from. He hated to owe something to anyone, moreover if it's Javid, which only made that worse. Azar hesitated before he finally spoke and said, "I wanted to ask you since earlier," he paused. Akhenaton hummed as he drifted his attention to Azar. 

"Why is the army coming here?" He finished after inhaling deeply. He noticed the Pharaoh's body ease its tension as if he has been expecting the worst and hearing his question made him at ease. 

"How do you think King Farzad is right now?" Akhenaton chattered, answering the question with a question. Azar was already used to his way of answering he has got to make use of the hints that are probably hidden within the answers to these questions.