The Truth About Your Mother.

Nefertari stood in front of her father's chamber after she begged Joon Wo to leave her alone with him. She needed to be strong on her own. She knocked and heard her father's voice coming from inside telling her to come in. 

"Nefertari," her father greeted her with a smile as he gestured for her to take a seat. Azar bowed as he stood next to her father. "What brings you here?" he tilted his head innocently. It didn't take him to read her face, she was all tensed up with her hands fisted next to her as she stared blankly at him. 

"Father," she started. "I know that what I'm going to tell you is something that you aren't going to like. " she warned. Shifting her attention to Azar she glared at him making him avoid her look, he knew that she was expecting more of him but there was nothing in his hands that he can do for her. 

"I'm all ears," Akhenaton said all serious as he wondered what she was about to say.