The Strong Smell of Blood.

The world was revolving 10 times slower. The Pharaoh lost strength from his feet – no, his whole body, he couldn't bring himself to his feet. His brain still in a lag from the sudden change in events. Everything around him was nothing, he wasn't actually there, his head was somewhere else. It was somewhere far away in the past. In the past that he thought would never repeat itself.

He believed wholeheartedly that he was never going to go through those emotions again, the horror and terror that washed over him. His brain already catching up with what's going on but…but his feet were petrified to the ground like a rock. 

Not even the approach of Azar had an effect. Azar came running the moment that he heard the yell from the distance, he mounted on top of his lungs. He got in time there to see Joon Wo jumping in front of the Pharaoh, and the arrow piercing through…