A Princess From Far Away Lands.

Nefertari was sitting down on the dirt beneath the tree, the usual spot. The spot that felt like a piece of heaven on Earth. Astonishing how the sun was bright on that specific spot in the palace – on earth even. The weather was cool, the sun was gentle on her tanned skin. She grew a habit during her stay – her long stay to be specific, to watch the patter of the shadow cast by the tree on the ground.

The irregular shapes were being formed on the ground from the rays that found their way through the heavy branches. This normal act of nature setting its laws was something that Nefertari saw in…a soldier. A soldier fighting his way through the battlefield, driven by a force that only he could explain. 

The force of wanting to go back home, to return to the people that he cares about, the people that he bid farewell to before leaving home. He fights through the thick battle to finally return to them at the end of the road. Such a beautiful happy ending for all…