Introduction: Curtis and Natasha

"NAT!... Where's my spell book?!"

"I don't know!"

For the past ten minutes, Curtis was looking for his spell book; "Spells of the Mages." It was a gift from their grandparents when they were younger. And ever since, both he and Natasha have been practicing and learning all kinds of spells.

But, if she hasn't seen it... Then where...?

"Uh, Curtis..." Natasha said, entering the bedroom.

He turned towards the door. And right next to Nat was their youngest sister, Stacy, holding his book.

"Stacy..." he replied, shaking his head.

She was clutching the book close to her chest, as if she didn't want to let go of it.

"I was just looking at it!" Stacy complained.

"I know," Natasha replied, kneeling next to her. "But we're going to need it for school."

Stacy pouted. She enjoyed looking at the book just as much as them. There were fun and interesting pictures, simple spells, and higher tiers of magic. Any Elven would love reading these types of books!

A moment passed, and Stacy still wouldn't let go of it.

"Hey!" Curtis said softly. "I think I got something for ya."

The boy walked over to the bookshelf, and pulled a small book from the lower shelves. It was as thick as a notebook, yet it was well used and worn.

He walked over and showed it to the young girl.

"Here... It's not like our book, but it's just as fun."

Stacy leaned forward, clearly interested in the item.

"What's in it?" She asked.

"Well... there's some fun projects to do, and some simple spells you can try," Curtis explained. "I've always loved the Walking Golem. You can create a doll sized golem from dirt or wood, and make it walk or carry acorns."

Stacy screeched in excitement. "I wanna try it!! Can, I?! Can, I?!!"


"OK! Here you go!" she said, handing him the book.

As soon as they exchanged items, the girl quickly rushed out of the room, excited about what she could do.

"I never thought you'd give that up," Natasha said, walking up to him.

As soon as the light from the window hit her head, it illuminated the red highlights in her light golden brown hair. There was a slight wave to it, as it fell past her shoulders.

Curtis shrugged as he went back to packing. He ~did~ love that book! But it was about time for someone else to love it, rather than have it stay on the shelf collecting dust.

"Yeah... But she loves this stuff as much as us. It's in our blood," he replied.

"Says the cute blonde boy!" Natasha teased, ruffling his hair. "But you are right. Magic does run in our family."

The boy couldn't help but blush. His good looks ~did~ attract attention, both good and bad. He had short, curly butternut blonde hair and a spray of freckles across the face.

And for generations, the ability to wield magical powers has continued to flow through their family line.

"But what ~doesn't~ run in the family is an elf carrying a shield," Curtis retorted.

"So?! I can be an Elven Guard if I want to!"

"Elven Guards require patience... You don't have any."

The girl gasped. "And ~you~ enjoy exploding and burning things!!"

"Hey! That's how all mages start, right?" he argued.

"Tch. Yeah... sure..."

The two of them continued packing until 11 AM. After a quick check of their belongings, they said their goodbyes and made their way to the bus station. Two Elven siblings were on their way to a new school.

"Wow..." Natasha said, slouching in her seat from fatigue.

"What?" her brother asked.

"Look at us... Elven twins going to school. One becoming a mage, the other a guard... What are the odds of that?"

Curtis laughed softly. "Pretty slim, sis."

"Yeah..." Natasha straightened up, only to lean against her brother, with her head against his shoulder. "But is going to be fun!"

He smiled, placing an arm around her shoulder and gently pulled her closer.

"I can only imagine," he replied, setting his head on top of her red-brown hair.