Introduction: Xena


"Wow... bullseye every time... You've got a good sharpshooter, Nick," Rex said.

Nick was leaning against the stall wall, between the window where Rex was and the stall where his sister was shooting from.

"Yeah... she's a good shot alright," Nick replied.

He watched as his younger sister shot another round of bullets into the target. In some ways, it made him envious and other times it scared him.

"Hey, Rex!" Xena called over the walkie-talkie. "Give me some moving targets."

"Sure thing!"

Xena heard the rumble of the machines. And seconds later, a line of five target began flowing down the court.

She lifted the rifle to her shoulder, and followed the objects with the barrel of the gun, calculating the speed.

Then she let out five rounds. Each hitting with pin point precision.

"Again," she called. "And crank up the speed!"

Rex sent out more targets. This time, they were moving faster. And again, she planted the perfect hit.

"Again. Faster!" she paged.

The process continued. Still landing perfect hits.

"Faster!... Crank it all the way!!!" she demanded.

The machines were whirling hard. It was to the point where you couldn't hear anything else. And the targets on the line were moving at an incredible speed, about the speed of a man jogging.

Xena gripped the rifle tightly, a villainous grin on her face. She could feel the excitement course through her veins, and the thrill created a psudo-high sensation.

Then she fired, unleashing five rounds... Each a perfect hit.

"Alright!... Shut er off."

"Damn!... That kid's good!" Rex said, powering off the machines.

"You should see her in close combat," replied Nick. "She's murder."

"I'd believe it... But I think she's better as a gunslinger."

Nick chuckled. "You can try to convince her, but she's dead set in being an assassin."

"Gunslinger. Assassin. Same thing."

"No! It's not," Xena said, walking towards the boys.

The girl had a rough look on her face after the thrilling shootout. And since it was just Nick and Rex, they were used to this reaction. But if someone else were to interject or try talking to her after the performance she made... they'd just back away.

"The only difference between the two is how the person does their job," she explained. "You can be messy to make a point, or you can be clean about it to show your ruthlessness."

"... Damn!" Rex replied, looking away in shock.

"Xena!" Nick scolded. "What did I tell you about your hostility?"

He ~was~ right. She did get a little aggressive. But it wasn't her fault for what happened in the past!

"Yeah, yeah," she answered. "Here."

She placed the rifle on the counter and pulled out her phone.

"Uh-uh... It's yours," Rex said, rummaging around.


This was strange... She didn't have a permit. And the only way she could use it was on the gun range.

"It's yours," he repeated, placing a large case on the counter. "You ~are~ going to that training academy, aren't ya?"


"Well... as long as you're going, why not take this along? There's no law against it."

Xena looked at him for a moment before looking at the gun case.

It was a long case, about the size a trombone would fit. There was one empty indent for her rifle, and two more small handguns. Double action semi-automatic. Each were custom made for her small physique, but packed the same firepower as if it were the original size.

"I can really keep these?..." she mumbled.

"Yep. Consider it a going-away present."

She looked at her older brother before carefully putting the gun away; taking out the leftover bullets and engaging the safety.

"Wow!" her brother said. "Xena is experiencing shock."

"Shut up!"

He had a point... She didn't express ~shock~ or ~surprise~ that much, if not at all. But she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

"Thanks," she replied. "I'll take good care of these."

"No problem!" Rex said cheerfully. "And if you need to restock, just give me a call. I'll get them to ya tou-suite!"

"Wait?.. You can do that?!" Asked Nick.

"Well... not ~exactly~... But I've got connections."


"Thanks, Rex!" Xena said. "I'll give ya a ring if I need anything."

The teen closed the gun case and grabbed her bag. She opened it up and began checking her stuff, making sure she had everything.

When everything was accounted for, she grabbed her jacket off the hook and took out a ticket and some money for bus fare.

"Guess this is good-bye then," her brother said softly.

"Not really," she said slowly. "I'll still come back to kick your ass."

Rex laughed. "Jeez!!... Some sisterly love, bro!"

"Cute, sis..." Nick replied. "Real cute..."

She shrugged. They knew each other better than anyone. Especially since it was just the two of them. Nick tried his best to look after her, but ~she~ was the one who kept each other in line.

"Don't worry. I'll make you proud," she replied with a smile.

"I know you will."

"Hey!... What about me!!" Rex exclaimed.

Xena giggled. "I'll miss you most of all, Rex."

"Aww! Thanks!"

"Better hurry up," her brother interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah."

With that, the girl was on her way. The two boys watched as the five-foot girl walked away. She was dressed in jeans with a matching jacket that went above her midsection. A marron t-shirt was worn under the jacket, and a bold belt around her waist. She even had a bright red streak on one side of her medium brown hair, completing her punk style look.

Honestly... if she wasn't ready for this academy, she'll make the academy get ready for her.