Introduction: Diaz

"Did you pack your trousers?!"

"MA!!!" Diaz exclaimed.

Diaz was almost done packing his duffel bag, thoroughly going over his check list. He had a few more things to pack and he was good to go.

"Well?..." his mom asked, entering his room.

He sighed. "Yes, mum..."

The werewolf picked up his brush and began fixing his hair. His light gray hair fell to his neck, and there were bright pink highlights that were an inch long from the tips.

Afterward, he carefully did his wolf ears, putting in two gold, sterling silver hoop earrings in his left ear when he was done.

"I'm so proud of you!" his mom said, giving him a hug. "And your father is, too!"

"I know... I know..."

Diaz couldn't help but smile. His mom ran a quilting shop, while his dad was the local shaman. All his life, he learned the art of sewing and other crafts as well as eagerly following his father's footsteps.

He loved watching how his father helped the folks. Whether it was healing an injury or just acting goofy to make people laugh. And he was in awe seeing how his mom could make people happy with her craft work.

Between the two of them, both of their passions rubbed off on him. And it was a good thing, too!

"Oh! What time is it? I don't wantcha to be late!" his mom exclaimed.

"Ma! The train doesn' come for a few 'ours yet!"

"I know. But you said you were headin' to the diner before you go."

"I am! But I'm not in a rush," he explained. All week his mom was nagging him, making sure he hadn't forgotten anything.


Diaz leaned hard on his skateboard, rounding the corner of the street. It was difficult keeping his balance because of the weight of his duffel bag, but his body quickly adjusted to the additional weight.

He made two more turns before stopping at a diner. The boy stomped on the skateboard, tossing it into the air and catching it. And two seconds later, the doors flew open.

"Dezzi!" cried a voice. "I'm so glad you're here! You ~have~ to help me!"

He looked at the girl in front of him, instantly seeing the top of her apron flopped over and two strips of fabric flapped in the breeze.

The werewolf sighed. "Get in here..."

The two of them went inside. And when Diaz set his stuff down, he began looking at the girl's apron, clearly irritated.

"Well?..." Phebe asked.

"I've resewn this so many time already," he replied, inspecting the neck strap. A moment later, he let out a puff of air.

"Strip," he said.

"WHAA!!!" the girl shreaked.

"Thee apron, lass."

"Oh! Right! Sorry."

She took off her apron and layed it on the table just as Diaz took out his sewing kit. The boy slid into the booth and started playing with the fabric.

"You know what I'm gonna say," he started, threading the needle. "And I ~know~ what you're gonna say."

It was the same argument. He would tell her to get a new apron, and she'd say that it was a gift from her mom, sister, or cousin. Either way, he had resewn and patched it so many times that he was stitching his own stitches.

He pulled out two buttons, and began attaching them. "But I'm gonna say this once... Are you listenin'?"

"Yes. I am."

"When my mum has 'er next day off, go and ask 'er to make you a new one. Tell 'er it's free of charge, and to send the bill to me."

"I don't want to be a bother," she replied.

"Lass, my mum loves ya. You're not a bother," he said. This time, he pulled out some string, braided it, and wrapped it around the buttons. "Besides, my mum is the Frankenstein of Fabric. She'd stitch ya ta death if ya let 'er..."

Diaz looked at his work one more time, making sure everything was in order.

"Alright... Try er out," he said, hand the apron to Phebe.

Phebe took the clothing and quickly put it on. And as soon as the back was tied, she did a small twirl.

"Thanks Dezzi! Your the best!" she cried.

There was a small clatter from behind, and when she turned around, there was a couple of bills and coins sitting on the table.

"Take it," he said. "Consider it compensation for repairs made on your shift."

"Alright," she replied, slowly. "But, you'll have to take something from us."

Not only did he receive a free meal, the diner staff prepared a box full of food and ingredients to cook with!

After a long talk with everyone, he made his way to the train station. It made him sad to leave his home behind... but at least he left Phebe a new mode of transportation...