Changing Life

Sometimes life takes us to places that we really don't want to be in, but it is necessary at critical levels.

As is the case with Arthur, a young man with dark hair, 1.72 meters tall, slightly above average, and fatter than he would like. And an orphan.

After many events, an addiction to smoking was developed for its sole purpose of calming his easily uncontrolled nerves.

At the orphanage's insistence and Arthur's withdrawal, he finally went to a meeting of people who are trying or have quit smoking that tell they stories to motivate others.

"Hello, everyone, welcome to our 39th weekly meeting. My name is Daniel, I am the representative and speaker of this meeting." On top of a makeshift stage was Daniel, a guy short for his age of 53, with expressions of a kind person, only more worn than usual by his addiction to smoking.

"Starting today we will have a new guest. Arthur, please" He gestured for Arthur to approach.

As soon as he got on stage, he started to say the phrase that he repeated to himself since he arrived.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Arthur, I'm 15 years old, an orphan and single, but not that the last part is of interest to any of you." He smiled sarcastically at the end, but only with the intention of making a joke.

Everyone laughed a little at his joke, but some for different reasons.

"Another funny one. I'm already sick of people like that!" Carlos said to his friend Charles, who was next to him.

"These types of people never take life seriously. I prefer to be deaf than listen to this person." Charles laughed contemptuously.

Those few words did not go unnoticed by Arthur, who felt a vein jump in his forehead, but still maintaining control out of respect for other people.

This conversation did not escape the ears of Daniel, who soon rebuked the two. "Silence when the others are performing, please!" He spoke with a slightly less gentle expression and voice. "Now, since you're there, Arthur, tell us your story, please." He insisted on continuing.

"OK Alright."

'Which of the sad stories should I tell now?' Arthur thought to himself, 'Well, since it's the first time, i'm going for the beginning.'

"Since I can remember, I have always lived in the orphanage, and I have probably been there since I was born, although no one ever wants to tell me the whole story. Several moments in my life I wondered why I was alive or what would be my use in this world. To this day I didn't find out, and I would be very grateful if that day came soon. I wouldn't say that I have a great life, but it's not that bad. I really hope that many of you will recover and others that will burn in the Hellfire." He looked at Carlos and Charles "But this is another matter for another time" He said, letting out a little laugh. Other people laughed, too, except those where the joke was directed.

Shortly after stepping off the stage, he chose a random chair, but extremely close to the two troublemakers. He wanted to see if their courage was cowardice disguised as bravery, or was it something real.

Daniel took the lead and returned to the stage.

"Great, congratulations Arthur. You looked really natural in your presentation, although the last part was a little unnecessary." Again, everyone laughed a little. "With your presentation over, I think we can continue. Who would like to participate now?".

Then he pointed to one of the people who raised his hand, who was impressively a girl of Arthur's age.

Slowly but gracefully, the girl walked to the stage where she would perform.

She was of a slightly low height for her age, at 1.56 meters. She was wearing a medium flowered dress that went to the knee. Her facial expressions were soft, with dark blue eyes, blond hair and snow-white skin that enhanced her beauty.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Patrícia, I am 15 years old and I am a student." She spoke in such a enchanting and charming way that it even made Arthur's heart flutter a little.

"Continue" encouraged Daniel, who was next to the stage.

"Well, you're probably wondering why a girl my age is here at this meeting. And the answer is that I'm going through a serious family problem, which is my parents' divorce. All of this tension, along with the pressure of school, forced me that way. On the contrary, I would go crazy. " She smiled slightly when she spoke, which once again beat Arthur's heart.

'This is one of the cutest girls I've ever seen in my life, as well as having a sweet voice.' Arthur thought, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"As soon as I realized that the cigarette was doing me more harm than good, I tried to quit, but I still fell into addiction at times. That was what made me search and find this meeting, with the goal of getting rid of smoking once and for all. " As soon as she finished her speech, she returned to her seat.

Even at a distance, it was enough to smell its rose scent, sweet enough for the bees to mistake her for a flower. It penetrated through the nose of everyone in the room, causing a small stir among those younger in the Assembly.

Arthur did not escape this, making his heart go crazy, and gradually falling in love with someone he never saw, but who was already more graceful than anyone in his imagination.

'I swear to God that if I don't get this girl's number by the end of the day, I will eat the canteen salad with all my heart.'

If there was one thing that Arthur hated more than noise, it would be the salad from the orphanage's canteen. It looked more like the remains of an unsuccessful harvest.

Soon, Daniel came on stage again, to continue calling other people to speak.

It was then that Arthur heard some noise through his left ear.