
Taking the headphones off very calmly, Arthur looked confusedly at people, even touching his face to see if there was really something he didn't notice.

But before any idea of ​​going to the bathroom to look in the mirror came up, the man being held by the others looked at him and shouted angrily:

"You bastard !! How dare you dodge my punch and almost make me fall!?!?" His tone was full of anger. He broke free from the arms of his henchmen and walked with heavy steps in front of Arthur "You are nothing but flesh death from now on, you piece of shit!"

Arthur was confused by this series of actions and curses, not knowing what he did to offend the person in front of him. The only thing he knew was that one of the two parties would be hurt from the restaurant, and he was sure it wouldn't be him.

Looking intently at the big guy in front of him, Arthur said "Are you telling me to be quiet while you hit me? Did you eat shit or something? If you want to avoid problems, I ask you to get out of my way and take another table!" Arthur knew very well what kind of man he was in front of. The chances of innocent people getting hurt during the fight were very high, so it was wiser to avoid the fight for now, or to transport it elsewhere. He may have lost his love for humanity, but that doesn't mean he has become a complete monster.

Hearing what Arthur said, Vitor instantly burst out laughing "Hahahaha! Let me see if I understood correctly. Are you asking me to leave my territory? Have you lost your mind, you idiot?" As he spoke, he took a pocketknife out of his pocket and pointed it directly at Arthur and said: "So, you little shit !? What are you going to do now?" His eyes showing pulsating insanity.

Taking time to analyze the people in the restaurant, Arthur noticed that those who were supposed to be customers had a worried face on their faces, while some older people said in a low voice "He shouldn't have come here today." and "What a bad luck this boy has." But he also noticed some mocking looks, and these looks possibly belonged to the comrades of the man with the knife. They were also already circling the area so that everyone could have a chance to attack.

Seeing all of this, Arthur was already determined to take the fight elsewhere, as he wasn't sure if he could be quick enough and not hurt someone innocent in the process. But the moment he was about to move, a person stood between him and the big guy with the knife. From the clothes he was wearing, he seemed to be the place manager.

"Please, guys, don't get excited. We're all known here, so there's no need for all of this." His tone carried praise, to try to ease the tension between the parties. But there was one thing that only Arthur noticed, which were the hand signals that the man was doing behind his back, indicating that he could run away as soon as he had the chance. The man then continued: "Shall we go up, Vitor? I already have the money packed for you." The man was doing everything to please the big guy so that his customers wouldn't get hurt.

Looking at this whole scene, Vitor nodded and said: "Very good, very good. It looks like you know how to suck someone, Marcos." As he spoke, Vitor slowly walked towards Marcos. When he reached half a meter, he said quietly, "But I do what I want, when I want, you imbecile!" He then moved the knife to the manager's heart.

Just as the knife was going to pierce Marcos's heart, Vitor's arm was held by someone. Vitor tried to exert more force, but none of the attempts was successful. When he turned to see who dared to stop his actions, he was impressed to see the guy who until a moment ago was behind the manager.

Arthur was also impressed, but his surprise was that this person tried to kill during the day, with many people watching. It was really an act of courage and idiocy. Still holding Vitor's arm, Arthur asked: "You really are a very crazy person. But on second thought, it's perfect for a job I have in mind. I pay you R$ 10,000. What do you think?"

Every action and word that came out of Arthur impressed both men. Marcos, having just been saved by him, and Vitor, who, despite exercising his maximum strength, could not get rid of the grip, and also because of the proposal he received.

Laughing like the maniac you are, Vitor said: "You really are a man of courage! What a pity that your life is over today !!" Then with his other hand he pulled out another pocketknife and sent it towards Arthur's arm.

But the moment he thought his blow was going to work, his arm that was held first was brought to his back, his knees were bent hard and his face was brought down hard.

"Aaargh! You bastard, I'm going to kill you-Aaaaaaaaaargh !!" Before the sentence could end, his arm was disjointed by Arthur.

"Idiot!" Arthur spoke, as if reacting to his actions were the stupidest thing anyone could do.